Senin, 08 Februari 2010

What's wrong with me ? The fate of Marginal School. Less attention

What's wrong with me ? I have tried to work hard, seriously and based on the rule and law. I want to make my school better not only in administration, management, and the increase of output, but also the physical building of my school. How can teaching - learning process run well and progressively, if my school often gets flood in the rainy season, How can my school carry out a flag ceremony, the most important event to increase students and teacher disciplines if the yard is full of water during rainy seasons. In short, every outdoor activities can not be carried out during rainy season. When my school tries to propose the program of upgradings some classes and yard in order not to get flood, our proposal just blow away in the wind. Doesn't this matter become priority scale ? I realize that our school, SMP 6 is a marginal school, with heterogeneous students, they are included to below poverty line, but They are also our students, the nation children who also need attention so that they can study well and comfortably. What we hope that the government, especially Tegal Educational Department think about it and find good solution.
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